Getting some aggravating phishing emails that look like they come from Waypoint? These are very annoying and if you click on a link in the email or download and open any attachments you can potentially get a virus.
How to check if its really from Waypoint:
Here is a quick how to see the background of the email so you can see if it is really from us at Waypoint.
- Right click the message in the list for whichever mailbox it is in (Junk/Inbox) and choose Message options or Message Properties.
- In a small box at the bottom of the pane you should see header information that you normally cannot see. If the originating email address is from “ then there should be a corresponding ip address that goes with it. We will not give you our ip address here as we do not openly share that but below is an example of one that is “NOT” from Waypoint:
Received: from by From: <> To: <> Subject: Re: Your Flight F 99-612900 Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 12:43:33 +0700
This one is actually from a domain known as but the email address they used in the from line is listed as
If you see this please copy and paste the entire contents of that little box into an email for and we can track and block this.
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